所有文章 第87页
Do you enjoy suffering? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He illuminates why we suffer and the value of suffering
How many times will you forgive? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He expresses the grandeur glory of God and why we must forgive.
842/28/2018 韓国ICN机场集合等人 3/1/2018 5:30am排隊等候進入會堂6:00am晨禱 3/1,2,3/2018 上午講座廳 3/1/2018 下午活動剪影 3/2/2018 活動剪影 3/1,2,3/2018 晨禱 3/3/2018 活動剪影 3/3/2018 晚宴 3/3/...
云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像!榮光煥發!高峰會後光明云彩遮蓋!(何治平牧师证道) 活水得胜人:赵丽娜姐妹打字记录 022518 1/2手機錄:云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像!榮光煥發!高峰會後光明云彩遮蓋!上山 、下山、移山(何治平牧师证道)Watch this video on YouTube 2/2手機錄:云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像...
18当情人节遇上除夕夜和春节 (何治平牧師証道)021818 你想怎么过? 活水得勝人:焦建南弟兄打字記錄 021818 早堂 早堂完整版:当情人节遇上除夕夜和春节,你想怎么过? (何治平牧師証道)Watch this video on YouTube 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_mcz8toYds 2/2 htt...
How deep is your gratification to God? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He uses the Bible’s explicit texts to bring forth God’s magna...
1耶利米书的上帝观 (何治平牧师证道) 活水得勝人:趙麗娜姐妹打字記錄021118 早堂 (早堂完整版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bCqf4gxDBc 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVD9lS7R6O4 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...
What is imperative that will not erode under the sun? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He reveals the reality of vanity and its ephemeral state.
9耶利米书的上帝观 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:齊柔懿姐妹打字記錄 (何師母已校稿一次) 020418 一、創造者 A、創造天地 B、創造萬物 二、拯救者 A、上帝愛你 B、上帝救你 三、審判者 A、審判萬國 B、審判世人 早堂 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igFrcznYwVY 2/2 htt...
In a resounding message to our church, Pastor Paul Suh explains the conviction of living in the power of the Holy Spirit. His message provides a powerful presentation of the gospel...
1活水得勝朗誦隊: 耶穌給了這麽多, 我們要如何? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWmNiQezrbY 01. 耶穌給了生命, 我們要珍惜! 耶穌給了心靈, 我們要天天喜樂! 02. 耶穌給了教會, 我們要建造! 耶穌給了肢體, 我們要合一相愛! 03. 耶穌給了聖經, 我們要明白! 耶穌給了恩典, 我們要知恩感恩!...
1讲题:耶利米书与启示论 (陈乐牧师証道) 012818 圣经经文: 耶利米书 25:1-14, 29:10-14 大綱: 引言 A. 了解人类的世界: 一. 灵界与物质界 二. 宗教信仰的分类 三. 关于基督信仰 B. 圣经中关于启示性的恩赐: 一. 圣灵启示性的恩赐 二. 对先知之预言的认识: 1. 分类: a.____, b._____ ...