所有文章 第86页
Why do we strive for excellence? Pastor David Hong begins his sermon series called the fruit of the Spirit. He enlightens us why our pursuits of excellence should be contemplated i...
How many paths are there to heaven? Dr.Greg Mundis gives an enlightening sermon using the Bible to answer where and how we get there.
8谁听懂心跳?谁熟悉呼吸?谁掌管生命? (何治平牧師證道) 哈巴谷書摘要 如何面對困惑災难? 惟義人因信得生 活水得勝人:李明阳弟兄正在打字記錄 040818 早堂 早堂完整版:谁听懂心跳?谁熟悉呼吸?谁掌管生命?哈巴谷書摘要-如何面對困惑災难?惟義人因信得生 (何治平牧師證道)Watch this video on YouTube 1/2 https://w...
1誰肯爱?誰能爱?誰是爱?(何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:李明阳弟兄打字記錄 040118 4月1日愚人节 April Fools’ Day <诗14:1> 愚顽人心里说: “没有 神。” 復活节 Easter Sunday 的再思 早堂證道 復活节早堂完整版:誰肯爱?誰能爱?誰是爱?4月1日愚人节 April Fool...
444/1/2018 復活節主日24位受洗:曹伟、黄磊明、邱恩斌、罗振江、晏瀾光、宁传海、徐阳、陈宇、姜华龙、邵金煒、陈晓清、陈欣玲、陈碧莉、张彤彤、万丽琇、万丽玲、何玲、黃倩美、王家梦、覃雪、顾聂华、叶光蓉、柏小莉 、林用妹 因祂活著 袮真偉大 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r...
HAPPY EASTER Sunday !!! Why should the pursuit of happiness be in suffering? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He magnifies the importance and the...
5谁懂你?医你?救你? 两个女人的故事 馬可福音 5:21-43 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:李明阳弟兄打字記錄 032518 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-VRvF8up-Y 午堂完整篇:谁懂你?医你?救你?两个女人的故事-馬可福音 5:21-43 (何治平牧師證道)Watch this video on You...
What is the importance of repenting? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He revels in the Bible’s purpose and meaning why we must truly repent...
4耶稣专程来,助你起死回生!活著你就得有种 ! 馬可福音5:1-20 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得胜人:唐燕姐妹打字记录 031818 早堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU8WvV2j2us 午堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPaQ3zdXtQE 午堂:耶稣专程来,助你起死回生!活著你就...
What do you take pride in? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He reveals that boasting should be about the Creator rather than the creation.
2蔚 如何面對人生的風暴?馬可福音4:35-41 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得胜人:赵丽娜姐妹打字记录 031118 早堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx4iqf1kvGE 午堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qras5JwdRJ8 午堂:如何面對人生的風暴?馬可福音4:35-41 (何治平...
隨主走過馬可福音(馬可福音 10:45)李萬居長老證道 030418 「人子來…服事人…捨命…作多人的贖價」 隨主走過馬可福音 早堂 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGboKo9mFU4 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJX59NI-Jio 午堂 1/2 https://w...