所有文章 第89页
What is the importance of repenting? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He revels in the Bible’s purpose and meaning why we must truly repent...
4耶稣专程来,助你起死回生!活著你就得有种 ! 馬可福音5:1-20 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得胜人:唐燕姐妹打字记录 031818 早堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RU8WvV2j2us 午堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPaQ3zdXtQE 午堂:耶稣专程来,助你起死回生!活著你就...
What do you take pride in? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He reveals that boasting should be about the Creator rather than the creation.
2蔚 如何面對人生的風暴?馬可福音4:35-41 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得胜人:赵丽娜姐妹打字记录 031118 早堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx4iqf1kvGE 午堂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qras5JwdRJ8 午堂:如何面對人生的風暴?馬可福音4:35-41 (何治平...
隨主走過馬可福音(馬可福音 10:45)李萬居長老證道 030418 「人子來…服事人…捨命…作多人的贖價」 隨主走過馬可福音 早堂 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGboKo9mFU4 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJX59NI-Jio 午堂 1/2 https://w...
Do you enjoy suffering? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He illuminates why we suffer and the value of suffering
How many times will you forgive? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He expresses the grandeur glory of God and why we must forgive.
842/28/2018 韓国ICN机场集合等人 3/1/2018 5:30am排隊等候進入會堂6:00am晨禱 3/1,2,3/2018 上午講座廳 3/1/2018 下午活動剪影 3/2/2018 活動剪影 3/1,2,3/2018 晨禱 3/3/2018 活動剪影 3/3/2018 晚宴 3/3/...
云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像!榮光煥發!高峰會後光明云彩遮蓋!(何治平牧师证道) 活水得胜人:赵丽娜姐妹打字记录 022518 1/2手機錄:云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像!榮光煥發!高峰會後光明云彩遮蓋!上山 、下山、移山(何治平牧师证道)Watch this video on YouTube 2/2手機錄:云計算的始祖: 耶穌登山顯容!變像...
18当情人节遇上除夕夜和春节 (何治平牧師証道)021818 你想怎么过? 活水得勝人:焦建南弟兄打字記錄 021818 早堂 早堂完整版:当情人节遇上除夕夜和春节,你想怎么过? (何治平牧師証道)Watch this video on YouTube 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_mcz8toYds 2/2 htt...
How deep is your gratification to God? Pastor David continues his sermon series on seek first His kingdom. He uses the Bible’s explicit texts to bring forth God’s magna...
1耶利米书的上帝观 (何治平牧师证道) 活水得勝人:趙麗娜姐妹打字記錄021118 早堂 (早堂完整版)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bCqf4gxDBc 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVD9lS7R6O4 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=...