所有文章 第95页
1哥林多后書综覽:保羅自傳推文 (何治平牧师证道) 活水得勝人:王秋姊妹打字記録 080617 早堂8/6/2017敬拜赞美 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0ZkB0dd_Mc 早堂证道 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rddaYxNgr38 2/2 https://www.youtu...
17哥林多前書第12、14章 : 恩赐 (Gift、Gifts) 的來源、種類、功用 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:陸欽妹姐妹打字記錄 073017 活水得勝敬拜讚美團 7/30/2017 高軍弟兄禱告 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap8lJ6WZn3E 蔣東來弟兄禱告 https://www.youtube.com/w...
王蔚姐妹見證 神的愛 耶穌醫治 聖靈動工
14哥林多前書第十三章精要: 愛的獨特性、超越性、真理性、生活性、永恆性、崇高性 (何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:唐燕姐妹打字記錄 072317 早堂證道 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT-0P45yXzo 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24_cGynfXAI 活水得勝敬拜讚...
This week Pastor David continues his series on the Armor of God with your feet fitted with the readiness of the Gospel of Peace. What is the meaning of readiness that leads us to b...
7哥林多前書綜覧:( 何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:郭小倩姐妹打字記錄 071617 (待校對) 一、教義真理 A、絕對 B、相對 二、事奉倫理 A、片面 B、全面 三、問題處理 A、現今 B、將來 早堂證道: 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu72AbhPg0E 2/2 https://www.yout...
What is the problem of righteousness? What is our own solution to righteousness? What is God’s solution to righteousness? Pastor David continues the sub-series on the Armor o...
哥林多前書綜覧:( 何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人:陳鑫弟兄打字記錄 062517 一、教義真理 A、絕對 B、相對 二、事奉倫理 A、片面 B、全面 三、問題處理 A、 B、 早堂: 活水得勝敬拜讚美團 7/9/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7A3QTweTcjE 王閣弟兄禱告 7/9...
Today Pastor David continues his sub-series on putting on the whole armor of God. This week, he equips us with the knowledge and wisdom to tackle the darkness of this world.
1哥林多前書綜覧:一、教義真理,二、事奉倫理,三、問題處理 ( 何治平牧師證道) 活水得勝人: 楊宇鑫姊妹打字記錄 070217 早堂敬拜讚美 7/2/2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEN9erjcw3E&t=180s 早堂證道:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_sbG5YT...
1活水得勝人團隊努力背誦聖經金句 7 月2017 加油!加聖靈恩膏油!詩篇119:11 我將袮的話藏在心裡, 免得我得罪袮. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6mf_TVnc3I 詩篇119:11活水得勝人背誦聖経金句Watch this video on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/wa...
What does freedom mean to you and how important is it? On the Sunday before Independence Day, Pastor Richardson shares with us the value of the freedom that we have earned through ...