所有文章 第80页
2同心合一宣告 6/09/2019Watch this video on YouTube 宣告耶穌是基督,主同在恩膏降臨(何畢敏芝師母帶領)Watch this video on YouTube 宣告活水得勝與奉耶穌基督名禱告(何畢敏芝師母帶動)Watch this video on YouTube 活水得勝人宣告耶穌基督得勝(何畢敏芝師母帶動)Watch t...
12以西結书纵览(第五讲) (何治平牧师证道) 活水得胜人:唐燕姐妹打字记录111118 早堂 1/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEIY1tBKGBo 2/2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OSgBLiP68g 午堂 1/3 https://w...
God already knows everything that we need, yet in this passage, He teaches us how to pray. Tune in as Pastor David continues his talk on the Lord’s Prayer and why we need it.
40以西結书纵览 (何治平牧师证道) 活水得胜人:齐柔懿姐妹打字记录110418 早堂 1/3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j48JEOP14LY 2/3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hjxJW-MQnY 3/3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmVL...
5 節目3. 頒獎典禮 2018梁坤钿舞蹈中心学生汇报演出,何牧師師母參與頒獎嘉賓Watch this video on YouTube 2018梁坤钿舞蹈中心学生汇报演出 顧雅明市議員致詞:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIyb9NpcEoY 節目4. 群舞《海洋》 https://www.youtube.com...
Just as the Israelites were watched over by God as they crossed the Jordan, so are we watched over by God during our times of wilderness. Tune in as Reverend Hur talks about how Go...
When we pray, sometimes we pray more or louder in hopes to be heard better. Sometimes we go down the checklist to see if we prayed today, or if we read the Bible today. Come tune i...
43以西结书纵览 (何治平牧师主日证道) 活水得胜人:李广軒弟兄打字记录102818 早堂: 1/4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K76ouXWWpM 2/4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hdzGwNurYcc 3/4 https://w...
15以西结书纵览 (何治平牧师证道) 活水得勝人:趙丽娜姊妹打字記錄 102118 早堂 早堂完整版:以西结书~四巨輪(何治平牧師證道)Watch this video on YouTube 1/4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugRCzK0ObKM 2/4 https://www.yo...
Why are we so downcast? Why can’t we control the thoughts that come from our hearts? Pastor David continues his sermon series on the Disciplines of Faith. Come tune in as he ...
15以西结书纵览 一、上帝以宝座异象显明荣耀(何治平牧师主日证道) 活水得胜人:宋媛媛姐妹打字記録 101418 (何師母已校稿前半篇) A、四活物: 1、生命的互动塑造风云火金 2、生命的成熟完全人狮牛鹰 3、生命的彼此相接直往前行 二、上帝以审判各国显明荣耀 2-32 三、上帝以復兴圣殿显明荣耀 33-48 早堂: 1/4. https://www.yout...
29生命屬主 心被恩感 天父恩賜 豐沛無盡 歌唱稱謝 畫筆讚美 偉大奇妙 主賜喜樂 活水湧流 泉瀑江河 源源不斷 頌揚神愛 跟隨基督 直到永遠 山鹿飲靈泉(12X7.5呎)這是四聯屏鉅幅作品 神阿、我的心切慕你、如鹿切慕溪水。(詩篇42:1) &nbs...