
韩国婿David Hong牧師證道 第6页

Promise International Fellowship 英文堂 www.pifny.org

Apologetic: Shield of Faith

Today Pastor David continues his sub-series on putting on the whole armor of God. This week, he equips us with the knowledge and wisdom to tackle the darkness of this world.
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How Important is Freedom to You?

What does freedom mean to you and how important is it? On the Sunday before Independence Day, Pastor Richardson shares with us the value of the freedom that we have earned through ...
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The Armor of God: Spiritual Battle

Sharing from the book of Ephesians, Pastor David continues to teach us from the wisdom that was given to Apostle Paul. This week, Pastor David lays the ground work for us to prepar...
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A Few Good Men

What is this idea of marriage? More importantly, what does the marriage that we have with our husbands or wives point to? As Pastor David continues the series on “The Church the Go...
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Bursting from the Seams

What does it mean to be filled with the spirit? Today on this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor David shares from the word about King David to lead us to see and live a life led by the spir...
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Turnt Up With the Spirit

A lot of us people celebrate by getting drunk and “turnt up” because we want to see less of the dark reality of this world. We take in movies, video games, substances, and other ma...
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