尹, 晨的文章

牧师信函《Come with me 和我一起來》 一個有信心的人從不氣餒,遇到困難不後退; 不怕山有多高夜有多黑,他知道信的是誰 Come with me 和我一起來,向全地之主發出讚美 祂是造物主,祂是供應者,祂使我們天天有活水. Come with me 和我一起來,向拯救我們的磐石歡呼. ...

We are so ignorant. There are so many things that we don’t know. Without words, we would not be able to understand or articulate the truth – something that is beyond th...

Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Pastor David continues his sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. Come tune in as he focuses on verse 13.

Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. If we don’t forgive, neither will God forgive us. What does this say about God’s character and about us? Come tune in as...

God already knows everything that we need, yet in this passage, He teaches us how to pray. Tune in as Pastor David continues his talk on the Lord’s Prayer and why we need it.

Just as the Israelites were watched over by God as they crossed the Jordan, so are we watched over by God during our times of wilderness. Tune in as Reverend Hur talks about how Go...

When we pray, sometimes we pray more or louder in hopes to be heard better. Sometimes we go down the checklist to see if we prayed today, or if we read the Bible today. Come tune i...

Why are we so downcast? Why can’t we control the thoughts that come from our hearts? Pastor David continues his sermon series on the Disciplines of Faith. Come tune in as he ...

What does it look like to abide in Christ? How do we fight for joy? Pastor David continues his sermon series on the Disciplines of Faith. Come tune in as he talks about remaining i...

How attentive and alert are we towards God? How is our hunger towards him today? Pastor David continues his sermon series on the disciplines of faith. Come tune in as he delves int...

What was Joseph’s vision when he was about to pass? Come tune in as Reverent Kim returns to speak on what Joseph meant.

The story of Cain & Abel is well-known. However, what does it say about us – about God? Come tune in as Pastor David continues his sermon series on Back to School: The Di...